Do you have any idea how difficult that is ?!

I knew him first, and I knew he was a wonderful person

we were close to each other──true friends, that is.


yet, for you,

I've given up going out on threesome                

simply because you don't want me to distract him

and that I did not want to pose as a threat for you


what do I get now?


no, it 's resentment that I get.


For waht?

"You're not as good as J" said the sunshine boy.


It's not my fault.

You know that I care about you

that I tried not to hurt you and tried to protect your fragile feelings


But now I see

I shouldn't have suppressed myself at the first place.

I have have no obligation to pretend to be less sparkling for you.

If you are a real friend,

You'll want me to look good, to sparkle, to shine, and to be myself.


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