My dearest S,

You've been missed.

Very much missed.


I thought 1080 hours were a short period of time

I thought, busy as we are, time would simply fly by

Now I know just how terribly wrong I am


My dearest S,

I’ve never told you there is such a place

Where I write about my un-FB-able feelings

But I figured that you WOULD find it out someday


I pray to God every night

as if I had never been so religious before

that you would show up in my dream

and just to find that God is way too busy to respond to my prayers


With remorse and shame

I cry myself to bed every single night

Picturing the future that we might have had if ithadn't been for that incident


My dearest S,

I believe you would honor that promise we made two weeks ago just as I do


Some people are smart enough to learn from other’s lessons

While I may not be one of them

I do know that it would be unforgivable of me to trip over the same stone twice.


My dearest S,

I couldn’t get you off my mind.


384 hours down, 696 hours to go.

Please, do not worry

Nothing strange or immoral would ever happen again.



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