My perfect Escort:


     Seven years, right?

     It's impossible to find a word to describe how grateful I am to have met you.

     How could I ever live without your stunning insights?


    I love the way we accompany each other  when there's a "required plus one".

    I love the way you provide me with the angle of people from Mars.

    I love the way you stand by me when I'm down.

    I love the way you thoughtfully say the words I dreamed to hear.

    I love the way you wake me up as I flea into slumber.

    I love the way you respect me as an sexless individual. 

    I love the way you deliberately distort facts only to please me.  

    I love the way you sit silently by me without asking  questions.


    You raised me up, to more than I can be.

    May our friendship last forever.


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